MDHTA Annual Meeting Scheduled for April 13, 2024 – Eagles Club, Dickinson

The MDHTA annual meeting will be held Saturday, April 13, 2024 at the Eagles Club Dickinson. The Eagles Club in Dickinson is located at 31 1st Avenue East. The social will begin at 5 pm MT, dinner at 6 pm MT followed by the meeting. This is a great way to learn about the Maah Daah Hey Trail Association and all that it does to keep the trail in good condition. Many long time MDHTA members first attended an annual meeting as non-members before joining. The public is welcome to attend.

The menu includes a salad bar, deep fried turkey, roast beef, mashed potatoes, gravy and vegetable, with a price of $25 per plate, price includes tax and tip.

There will be a cash bar, silent auction and door prizes.

Please bring an item for the silent auction. Please RSVP by Friday, April 5, to Amy Tysver by texting (preferred) or calling 701-290-3397 or if no answer, Curt Glasoe at 701-260-9459 or to let us know to reserve your spot at the meeting. Let Amy or Curt know the number in your party attending.

Annual Meeting Program

The keynote speakers will be Jake Bradley, Executive Director, North Dakota Wildlife Federation, and Shannon Straight, (pictured above) Executive Director, Badlands Conservation Alliance, Life Member of the Maah Daah Hey Trail Association. The title of their presentation is A Conservation Proposal for Western North Dakota. 

Trail reports from the organizations that support the Maah Daah Hey Trail System will be given. This includes Alexander Manard, Recreation Program Manager, US Forest Service; Philip McCall, Chief of Facility Management. Theodore Roosevelt National Park; Tracy Hsu, President ND Back Country Horseman; Nick Ybarra, Director, Save the MDH; as well as representatives from the North Dakota Parks and Recreation; North Dakota Tourism; and Dickinson and Medora Visitor and Convention Centers. An election of three directors for the MDHTA Board will also be conducted.

Silent Auction

A silent auction will be held during the annual meeting. This is a fun way to support MDHTA activities during the year. Support and fun can be found in bringing a small item as well as purchasing. In 2023 the Silent Auction brought in $870 that was used to help match grants MDHTA received from the RTP Coal Creek loop trail on the MDHT.

MDHTA merchandise will be on sale at reduced prices along with a few remaining Forest Service signs.

We hope to see you at the MDHTA Annual Meeting!

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