This year’s Trails Day event took place on the Buffalo Gap Trail west of Medora south of Old US 10. Forty-two volunteers from the Maah Daah Hey Trail Association along with other organizations, such as, US Forest Service, Save the MDH, and Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch joined forces to surface 1000 feet of trail. This involved stripping a three foot wide swath of sod and then laying down gravel to provide drainage and a serviceable surface to use after a rain. The new surface will also reduce erosion and improve the ability of the trail to handle the increased traffic from bikers, horseback riders, and hikers. Don Mayer, former MDHTA President said, “Surfacing a 1000 feet in a day is a good day’s work. Today you did it in half the time.” Next year’s National Trails Day is scheduled for June 2, 2018.